Deck Chaos Dragon


Monsters: 31

[2] Effect Veiler
[3] Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
[2] Darkflare Dragon
[2] Card Trooper
[1] Sangan
[3] Lightpulsar Dragon
[3] Eclipse Wyvern
[2] Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
[2] Tragoedia
[3] Chaos Sorcerer
[3] Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
[1] Honest
[1] Divine Dragon Apocralyph
[1] Gorz The Emissary of Darkness
[1] Dark Armed Dragon
[1] Black Luster Soldier

Spells: 09

[3] Solar Recharge
[1] Future Fusion
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Allure of Darkness
[1] Charge of The Light Brigade
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Dark Hole


[3] Royal Decree
[2] Torrential Tribute
[3] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Smashing Ground
[1] Victoria
[2] Cyber Dragon


[1] Number 39: Utopia
[1] Number C39: Utopia Ray
[1] Steelswarm Roach
[1] Armory Arm
[1] Ally of Justice Catastor
[1] Brionac Dragon of The Ice Barrier
[1] Gaia Knight, The Force of The Earth
[1] Ancient Fairy Dragon
[1] Magical Android
[1] Arcanite Magician
[1] Stardust Dragon
[1] Black Rose Dragon
[1] Ancient Sacred Wyvern
[1] Five-Headed Dragon