Deck Dino Rabbit


Monsters: 18

[3] Tour Guide from the Underworld
[3] Sabersaurus
[3] Jurrac Guaiba
[1] Sangan
[2] Effect Veiler
[3] Kabazauls
[3] Rescue Rabbit

Spells: 11

[1] Pot of Avarice
[1] Heavy Storm
[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[3] Forbidden Lance
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Soul Taker
[1] Book of Moon

Traps: 11

[2] Fiendish Chain
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[2] Torrential Tribute
[1] Dimensional Prison
[1] Mirror Force
[2] Solemn Warning
[1] Solemn Judgment


[1] Effect Veiler
[1] Snowman Eater
[2] Spirit Reaper
[2] Maxx “C”
[2] Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
[1] Soul Taker
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[2] Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
[3] Macro Cosmos


[3] Evolzar Laggia
[2] Evolzar Dolkka
[1] Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
[1] Leviair the Sea Dragon
[1] Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
[1] Muzurhythm the String Djinn
[1] Wind-Up Zenmaines
[1] Number 39: Utopia
[1] Photon Papilloperative
[1] Gem-Knight Pearl
[1] Ally of Justice Catastor
[1] Mist Wurm

Analise rapida:e um deck que ama ter um eff de judgement solemn e nega muitos efeitos do oponente e é um deck que quase chega a perfeicão mas e um deck bem fdp para muitas pessoas.