Deck Hieratic


Monsters: 20

[3] Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit
[3] Hieratic Dragon of Su
[3] Hieratic Dragon of Eset
[2] Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet
[2] Hieratic Dragon of Nuit
[2] Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
[2] Tragoedia
[1] Gorz The Emissary of Darkness
[1] Luster Dragon #2
[1] Wattaldragon

Spells: 15

[3] Hieratic Seal of Convocation
[1] Dark Hole
[2] Pot of Duality
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Monster Reborn
[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[2] Forbidden Lance
[2] Enemy Controller
[1] Book of Moon

Traps: 05

[2] Torrential Tribute
[2] Solemn Warning
[1] Mirror Force


[1] Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
[1] Eletric Virus
[2] Consecrated Light
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] A Winged Beat of Giant Dragon
[2] Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
[1] Dimensional Prison
[1] The Transmigration Prophecy
[1] Victoria
[2] Hieratic Seal of Reflection
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole


[3] Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
[2] Gaia Dragon, The Thunder Charger
[1] Photon Strike Bounzer
[1] Number 25: Force Focus
[1] Number 39: Utopia
[1] Wind-Up Zenmaister
[1] Inzektor Exa-Beetle
[1] Photon Papilloperative